php csv utf 8 bom

I had the exact same problem. Unfortunately, this hack didn't work out for me because of code changes in the version i recently downloaded (7.x-3.0-beta6). I tried to adjust the code, adding the BOM in front of the CSV string in the file_put_contents

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If you need to use PHP to create and interact with Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet app, then using PHPExcel is a good way to go. PHPExcel is a library that has been written in PHP and has a com...

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  • 2015年6月22日 - 後來不轉編碼,設定成utf-8,csv用notepad++開啟中文顯示正常,但用excel開啟就是亂碼才查到excel 出現亂碼的原因是檔首無BOM,解...
    [WEB] PHP export CSV 中文編碼問題« ChiaHan's Notebook
  • Working with CSV can often be much more difficult than you expect, with different types of...
    CSV and BOM character - CSV - The PHP League ...
  • I had the exact same problem. Unfortunately, this hack didn't work out for me because ...
    CSV export UTF-8 & windows - BOM [#1701018] | ...
  • Detecting UTF BOM (byte order mark) using PHP Standard August 2, 2011 3 Comments PHP, Tool...
    Detecting UTF BOM (byte order mark) using PHP | Anupam Saha ...
  • 2016年11月6日 - Based on your comment above, it looks like your script is accidentally print...
    excel - PHP export CSV UTF-8 with BOM doesn't work - Stack Overflow
  • 2013年7月11日 - csv"); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header(&#39...
    excel - PHP export CSV when data having UTF8 charcters - Stack ...
  • Possible Duplicate: Encoding a string as UTF-8 with BOM in PHP i can export csv file from ...
    how can export csv file , charset utf-8 instead utf-8 withou ...
  • 2012年12月8日 - Here's how I did it. header('Content-Description: File Transfer'...
    how can export csv file , charset utf-8 instead utf-8 without BOM in php ...
  • 2010年12月3日 - In my case, if I add a BOM to the output, it works: ... The only thing it fi...
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  • 2009年9月24日 - 此段將$output寫入檔案report.csv,其中$output為UTF-8編碼之資料 2. ... 此為寫入BOM標籤,目的在使Excel能正確讀...
    Jei World: PHP匯出Excel可讀的UTF-8編碼CSV檔案
  • CSV file saved in UTF-8 seems to be sufficiently universal format. cs en Portfolio Our cli...
    Making UTF-8 CSV for Excel | SKOUMAL
  • [2003-02-07 08:46 UTC] bugzilla at jellycan dot com Problem: When a php file is saved in u...
    PHP :: Request #22108 :: php doesn't ignore the utf-8 BO ...
  • 2014年8月22日 - Use the code below header('Content-Encoding: UTF-8'); header('Co...
    PHP How to write csv with encode UTF8 with BOM? - Stack Overflow
  • 在你要输出的内容前先输出-xEF-xBB-xBF,例如:你要输出的内容保存在$content里$content = -xEF-xBB-xBF.$content; //添加BOM确保...
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  • I am currently using csvsimple to include some external data in a document processed with ...
    unicode - Ignore UTF-8 BOM with csvsimple? - TeX - LaTeX ...
  • how can I force PHP to add the BOM when using utf8_encode ? Here's what I am trying to...
    utf 8 - Encoding a string as UTF-8 with BOM in PHP - Stack ...
  • 2011年4月8日 - Have you tried adding one yourself? The UTF-8 BOM seems to be 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF ...
    utf 8 - Encoding a string as UTF-8 with BOM in PHP - Stack Overflow
  • UTF-8 and BOM UTF-8 and BOM Jump to: navigation, search Note: You are currently viewing do...
    UTF-8 and BOM - MoodleDocs
  • utf-8与utf-8(无BOM)的区别,牛柒柒软件的网易博客,牛柒柒软件,linuxer ... 在Firefox早期的版本里,扩展是不能有BOM的,不过Firefox 1.5以...
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  • 2015年6月22日 - 後來不轉編碼,設定成utf-8,csv用notepad++開啟中文顯示正常,但用excel開啟就是亂碼才查到excel 出現亂碼的原因是檔首無BOM,解...
    [WEB] PHP export CSV 中文編碼問題« ChiaHan's Notebook
  • Working with CSV can often be much more difficult than you expect, with different types of...
    CSV and BOM character - CSV - The PHP League ...